Building Trust and Credibility

articles tips Aug 16, 2022
Many filmmakers focus on the materials needed to present to investors but neglect a key factor in getting a YES from an investor.
Regardless of the materials you share, you must ultimately create an environment in your pitch that instills a sense of trust and credibility. This is born out of a combination of your confidence, knowledge and how you carefully craft your conversations and pitch.
There are many ways to create this warm, welcoming and trustworthy environment. Below are 3 key things to keep in mind:
1-You must believe in yourself or no one else will. Period. You become a mirror and your excitement and confidence is contagious so simply by showing up and believing in yourself 1000%, you have taken a critical step in gaining an investor. It is key you push all those doubts, limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome out the door! 
2-Facts and statistics create credibility- Showing you know your industry and have connections to make this film a success allow investors to feel at ease.  Even if this is your first time making a film, there are ways to incorporate facts and stats to provide a level of comfort in your investors.
3-It is all personal- Investors are human and a personal connection and feeling of familiarity is key to building a relationship. Whether it is a common college, town, vacation spot, sports team or hobby, lean into those similarities as they will expedite the process.
We can help you with accomplishing the above!  Over the years we have developed several strategies to build trust and credibility. In our new course we will share how you too can put those strategies in place to convert investors to a YES and build trust especially when this is your first film. We will also share our #1 hack to building credibility that anyone can use when this is your first film that has proven gold for Sara Elizabeth and many filmmakers she has coached.  We hope to see you in the course. 

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