Are you Having a Hard Time Getting Investors?


You might be thinking, "am I ever going to get an investor for my film," - right? It comes down to hooking them and demonstrating to them that you have their back and are doing all you can...

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4 Ways to Hone Your Skills in Working with & Writing for Actors

articles power hour tips Apr 03, 2024

We had such a great Power Hour with Actress/Producer Kym Jackson talking about working and directing actors with success. It was packed full of great tips and tricks!

In that spirit, Sara Elizabeth...

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Does Pitching Make You Nervous?

articles tips Jan 14, 2024

Sara Elizabeth shares how she overcame pitching nerves!

We understand the nerves and passion behind every indie filmmaker's journey. We've felt the electric thrill of a groundbreaking idea,...

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4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Sending a Query Letter

articles tips Oct 03, 2023

I have been receiving a ton of query letters lately from filmmakers. Some get read, and others don't. So what determines if I keep reading or respond?  This question has prompted me to share...

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9 Tips on Finding & Choosing Comps for your Pitch Deck

articles raising money tips Sep 06, 2023

As many of you prepare for events like MIPCOM and AFM this fall, we've decided to dive into all things PITCH DECKS this week!

Are you struggling to find the right comps for your film? Here are 9...

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Top 4 Screenwriting Mistakes You Should Never Make

articles tips Jul 06, 2023

I'm consulting on over a dozen scripts this month so I have been doing a LOT of reading!

As I do so, I'm reminded that every time I give script notes, I usually see the same mistakes repeated from...

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From 'No' to 'Yes': The Ultimate Guide to Winning Over Film Investors

articles raising money tips Apr 10, 2023

So, what do you do when you get the dreaded investor NO? Well, many filmmakers curl in a ball and question why they chose this crazy industry, indulge in a pint of ice cream or bottle of win,...

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Inspiring Women in Film History

articles inspiration Mar 04, 2023

March is Women’s History Month and what better way to celebrate than with highlighting four trailblazing women of film history!

Lois Weber

Lois started as a silent film actress who became one...

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4 Questions To Ask Yourself As You Plan For A Productive 2023

articles inspiration tips Jan 04, 2023

First, what are your 3 main goals as a filmmaker for 2023? Set one mini goal (attainable), one larger goal (attainable but more entailed) and one that pertains to you as a filmmaker.

Then, 4...

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4 Lessons from 2022 to propel you into 2023 Success

articles inspiration tips Jan 02, 2023

Wow. What a year.

As we say goodbye to 2022 and welcome a frest new start in 2023, I always love to take the time to reflect on the year behind us and this year has left me in awe. I have been awed...

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