Building Your Craft// Read award-winning scripts

tips Feb 01, 2021

Building Your Craft

What is something you can do for your craft this week?

Read a script that is getting great reviews. The more you read fabulous scripts, the more you innately begin to develop an...

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Are you Going to Stand Out?

inspiration Jan 11, 2021


So every night since arriving in The Virgin Islands, I have sent my nieces a video from what they call Aunt Hollywood’s zoo. It started because I was seeing so...

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Sara Elizabeth was a podcast guest on Nick and Russ Don't Know Anything

podcasts Nov 09, 2020

Podcast Corner

Sara Elizabeth was recently featured on the podcast

Nick and Russ Don't Know Anything.

"Here's to our latest episode with one of the most inspiring people I know- Sara Elizabeth...

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Keep Creating

inspiration Nov 09, 2020

Keep Creating...

Your ART is what the world needs now more than ever so don’t let this unprecedented and often depressing and disappointing 2020 paralyze you from creating.

Art unites us,...

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We are All Human

inspiration Nov 02, 2020

  Don’t forget we are all human... 

Humanity is what we all have in common and unites us despite our differences.  Our society often focuses on differences in race,...
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Pressing Buttons

inspiration Oct 20, 2020

Pressing Buttons... 

A filmmaker last week commented on “how exhilarating it is to push buttons” in reference to getting a step closer to your dream.


Whether it is...

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Let's Talk about AFM

free videos Oct 19, 2020

A lot of filmmakers have been asking if they should go to AFM this year since it it virtual which makes it easier to attend but will clearly also provide a different experience.

I want to share...

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Protecting Yourself as a Producer

free videos Jul 03, 2020

Also, check out our filmmaking courses and resources at NO FILM SCHOOL. NO TRUST FUND. NO PROBLEM

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Should I Focus on One Film or Many?

free videos Jun 06, 2020

Sara Elizabeth talks about her focus on one project is the only way her first film got done but as you gain experience, the value of having many.

Also, check out our filmmaking courses and...

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What Investor Pitch Materials do you need?

free videos May 26, 2020

Sara Elizabeth has raised millions of dollars in private equity for her films and shares the materials she uses to secure investment.

Also, check out our filmmaking courses and resources at NO FILM...

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